Submit Your Work!
Are you a young creator looking to share your works in the field of writing or artistry? Here at Aerie, you can express how innovative you can be! Give us any compelling work you feel comfortable with sending, we stand proud as a place where you can express yourself however you like. It doesn’t have to be the best, it just has to be you, we want to see the fruits of your creativity!
Writing submissions due Oct. 9th
Deadline extended until Oct. 21st
Art Submissions due Nov. 1st
Art Submissions extended until Nov. 8th!
"Where Am I .. ?"
You've found us - UHart's hottest literary magazine. Undoubtedly you have a refined and refreshing taste.
"Literary Magazine Hmm? .. What Exactly Is This ?"
We screen and publish UHart's best authors and artists. Aerie attracts talent, we can't help it. After the cream rises to the top, we pour it fresh into the carafe labeled "Aerie". Flavors include poetry, short fiction, art, etc. We release an annual issue, you should read it. Even better, you should write for it. Follow us on Instagram for the latest info on publication dates and submission details.
Have a cup of tea... Or a glass of wine - Aerie doesn't judge.
Aerie thanks all of the students who have taken the time to contribute their work. You are all what makes Aerie great.