For more information, reach out to @aerielituhart on instagram for further information! Thank you.
Are you a young creator looking to share your works in the field of writing or artistry? Here at Aerie, you can express how innovative you can be! Give us any compelling work you feel comfortable with sending, we stand proud as a place where you can express yourself however you like. It doesn’t have to be the best, it just has to be you, we want to see the fruits of your creativity!
This is a safe space for all creators. Whether you’re a seasoned creator or starting out, send us something you’ll take a chance on, we can’t wait to see what you have! We accept most short forms of writing including Poetry, fiction, short stories, flash fiction, vignettes, creative non-fiction, personal essays, literary criticism, play scripts, graphic fiction, fan fiction, etc.
We also accept any art that can fit in a magazine such as paintings, photography, collage work, digital design, sculpture, ceramics, etc. If you have any ideas that are not a part of the listed categories, feel free to reach out, we are always open to new ideas.
For AI submissions, we recognize the good that can come from AI, but we ask for no AI submissions. We would like to see what our writers and artists can create independently, showcasing their unique voices and perspectives. We appreciate your understanding and adherence to this rule.
Text submissions are open until October 9th, and art submissions are open until November 1st .
Submission Guidelines:
- Limited to 5 pieces per contributor (categories can vary)
- Maximum word count of 2,500 per work submitted
- No AI
- Text submission deadline is October 9th
- Art submission deadline is November 1 st
How to submit:
- Save writing as a .doc or .docx file.
- Save art as a .jpeg or .pdf file.
- Label your work the following: (fullname)_(genre)_(title)
- Email submission to the appropriate address below:
Poetry: aerie.poetry.submit@gmail.com
Fiction: aerie.fiction.submit@gmail.com
Art: aerie.visualart.submit@gmail.com
Creative Nonfiction/other: aerie.other.submit@gmail.com